RRP | Bibliography


Bachmann, Michael; Woyke, J. (eds.): Lutherische und neue Paulusperspektive. Beiträge zu einem Schlüsselproblem der gegenwärtigen exegetischen Diskussion, (WUNT 182), Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2005
Bird, M.: The Saving Righteousness of God. Studies on Paul, Justification, and the New Perspective, Eugene 2007
Bischoff, G.: « De la Pfaffengasse au Büchertal. Les retombés du concile de Bâle dans les pays du Rhin supérieur (1431–v.1460–1480) », in C. Maurer, A. Starck-Adler (eds.): L’espace rhénan, pôle de savoir Strasbourg 2013, p. 17–36
Boucaud, Pierre: « Corpus Paulinum. L’exégèse grecque et latine des Épîtres au premier millénaire », Revue de l’histoire des religions 3 (2013), p. 299-332 (cf. http://journals.openedition.org/rhr/8120)
Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages
Brashler, James: « From Erasmus to Calvin: Exploring the Roots of Reformed Hermeneutics », Interpretation: A Jounral of Bible and Theology 63.2 (2009), p. 154-166
Calvin, Johannes Oecolampad, Lefèvre d‘Etaples, Erasmus
Bruening, M.W.: Calvinism’s First Battleground. Conflict and Reform in the Pays de Vaud, (Studies in Early Modern Religious Reforms 4), Dordrecht 2005
Burnett, A.N.: « Hermeneutics and Exegesis in the Early Eucharistic Controversy », in B. Gordon, M. McLean (eds.): Shaping the Bible in the Reformation. Books, Scholars and Their Readers in the Sixteenth CenturyLibrary of the Written Word Leiden 2012, p. 85–105
Cameron, E.: The European Reformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012
Reformation; 16th Century; Overview
Campi, Emidio; Wälchli, Philipp (eds.): Basler Kirchenordnungen 1528–1675, Zürich, Theologischer Verlag Zürich , 2012
Kirchengeschichte, Kirchenrecht, Basel
Cartwright, Steven R.: A Companion to St. Paul in the Middle Ages, (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 39), Leiden, Brill, 2013
Medieval Context
Crousaz, K.: L’Académie de Lausanne entre Humanisme et Réforme (ca. 1537–1560), (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 41), Leiden, Brill, 2012
Dipple, Geoffrey: Just as in the Time of the Apostles: Uses of History in the Radical Reformation, Kitchener ON, Pandora Press, 2005
Anabaptists, History
Ehrensperger, K.; Holder, R.W. (eds.): Reformation Readings of Romans, (Romans through History and Culture Series), New York, T&T Clark, 2008
Elliott, N.: The Arrogance of Nations. Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire, Paul in Critical Contexts, Minneapolis 2008
Fink, David C.: « ‘The Doers of the Law Will Be Justified’: The Exegetical Origins of Martin Bucer’s Triplex Iustificatio », The Journal of Theological Studies 58 (2007), p. 485-524
Martin Bucer, Reformation, Justification
Frank, G.; Meier-Oeser, S. (eds.): Hermeneutik, Methodenlehre, Exegese. Zur Theorie der Interpretation in der Frühen Neuzeit, (Melanchthon-Schriften der Stadt Bretten 11), Stuttgart 2011
Froehlich, K.: « Paul and the Late Middle Ages », in R.W. Holder (ed.): A Companion to Paul in the Reformation Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2009, p. 15–40
Furey, C.M. et al. (eds.): Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Berlin 2009
Gabriel, Frédéric: « D’une alliance, l’autre : la relecture de l’ancienne Loi sous la nouvelle dans l’exégèse du décalogue (XVIe-XVIIe s.) », Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 229 (2012), p. 227-255
Old Testament
Gabriel, Frédéric: « Exinanitio. Formes, hypostase et consubstantialité dans la christologie des commentaires sur Ph 2, 5-11 (1542-1698) », in Arnold, Matthieu; Dahan, Gilber, Noblesse-Rocher, Annie: Philippiens 2, 5-11 : la kénose du ChristLectio divina – Études d’histoire de l’exégèse Paris, Cerf, 2013, p. 139-160
George, T. (ed.): Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Westmont 2011
Gordon, B.: « ‘Our Philosophy’. Heinrich Bullinger’s Preface to the 1539 Latin Bible », in C. Moser, P. Opitz (eds.): Bewegung und Beharrung. Aspekte des reformierten Protestantismus, 1520–1650 Leiden 2009, p.
Häfner, Ralph; Völkel, Markus (eds.): Der Kommentar in der Frühen Neuzeit , Tübingen , Max Niemeyer Verlag , 2006 (cf. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110960785/html)
Literaturwissenschaft, Gattungsforschung, Frühe Neuzeit
Hansen, G.N.: « Door and Passageway. Calvin’s Use of Romans as Hermeneutical and Theological Guide », in K. Ehrensperger, R.W. Holder (ed.): Reformation Readings of Romans New York 2008, p. 77–94
Calvin, Romans
Härle, W.: « Paulus und Luther. Ein kritischer Blick auf die «New Perspective» », ZThK 103 (2006), p. 362–393
Hobbs, R.G.: « Pluriformity of Early Reformation Scriptural Interpretation », in M. Sæbø (ed.): Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation Göttingen 2008, p. 452–511
Holder, R.W.: John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation. Calvin’s First Commentaries, Leiden 2006
Calvin, Romans
Holder, R.W.: « Calvin's Hermeneutic and Tradition: An Augustinian Reception of Romans 7 », in K. Ehrensperger, R.W. Holder (ed.): Reformation Readings of Romans New York, London, T&T Clark, 2008, p. 98-119
Calvin, Romans, Augustine
* Holder, R.W. (ed.): A Companion to Paul in the Reformation, Leiden, Brill, 2009
Hughes, Kevin L.: Constructing Antichrist: Paul, Biblical Commentary, and the Development of Doctrine in the Early Middle Ages, Washington D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2005 (cf. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt2853mr)
Pauline Commentaries, Early Medieval, Commentary Traditions
Husbands, M.; Treier, D.J. (eds.): Justification: What’s at Stake in the Current Debates?, Downers Grove 2004
Jenkins, Allan K.; Preston, Patrick: Biblical Scholarship and the Church. A Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007
Johansson, T.; Kolb, R.; Steiger, J.A. (eds.): Hermeneutica Sacra. Studien zur Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert / Studies of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, (Historia Hermeneutica. Series Studia 9), Berlin 2011
Krauter, S.: « Römer 7 in der Auslegung des Pietismus », KuD 52 (2006), p. 126–150
Kroeker, G.G.: Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul. A Pauline Theologian, Toronto 2011
Noblesse-Rocher, A.: « Jacques Sadolet et Jean Calvin, commentateurs de l‘Épitre aux Romains », in Herman J. Selderhuis: Calvinus sacrarum literarum interpresReformed Historical Theology Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008, p. 190-208
Romans, Calvin, Jacques Sadolet
Pak, G. Sujin: « Luther, Melanchthon, and Calvin on Romans 5 and 13: Three Reformation Approaches to Reading Romans », K. Ehrensperger, R.W. Holder (ed.) Reformation Readings of Romans (2008), p. 122-43
Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Romans
Parker, T.H.L.: John Calvin. A Biography , Louisville, Westminster John Knox Press, 2006
Calvin, Biography
Raith, Charles II: « Theology and Interpretation: The Case of Aquinas and Calvin on Romans », International Journal of Systematic Theology 14 (2012), p. 310-326 (cf. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2400.2011.00618.x)
Romans, Calvin, Thomas Aquinas
Reasoner, M.: Romans in Full Circle. A History of Interpretation, Louisville 2005
Roth, John D.; Stayer, James M. : A Companion to Anabaptism and Spiritualism, 1521-1700, (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition:6), Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2007
Anabaptism, Spiritualism
Rummel, Erika (ed.): Biblical Humanism and Scholasticism in the Age of Erasmus, (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 9), Leiden, Brill, 2008
Reformation, Erasmus, Humanism, Scholasticism
Sawyer, J.; Rowlands, C.; Kovacs,, J. Gunn, D.M. (eds.): Blackwell Bible Commentaries, Chichester 2005
Steiner, Benjamin: « Die Ordnung der Geschichte: Historische Tabellenwerke in der Frühen Neuzeit », Norm und Struktur 34 (2008), p.
Sæbø, M. (ed.): Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation. Vol. 2: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, Göttingen 2008
Thompson, J.: Reading the Bible with the Dead. What You Can Learn from the History of Exegesis that You Can’t Learn from Exegesis Alone, Grand Rapids 2007
Thouard, D.: « Wie Flacius zum ersten Hermeneutiker der Moderne wurde. Dilthey, Twesten, Schleiermacher und die Historiographie der Hermeneutik », in J. Schönert (ed.): Geschichte der Hermeneutik und die Methodik der textinterpretierenden Disziplinen Berlin 2005, p. 265–280
Vanek, K.: «Ars corrigendi» in der frühen Neuzeit. Studien zur Geschichte der Textkritik, (Historia Hermeneutica. Series Studia 4), Berlin 2007
Westerholm, S.: Justification Reconsidered. Rethinking a Pauline Theme, Grand Rapids 2013
Westerholm, S. (ed.): Perspectives Old and New on Paul. The Lutheran Paul and His Critics, Grand Rapids 2004
Wright, N.T.: « Paul and the Patriarch. The Role of Abraham in Romans 4 », JSNT 35 (2013), p. 207–241
Xiao, X.; Xiong, D.; Zhang, M.; Liu, Q.; Lin, S.: « A Topic Similarity Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation », Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2012), p. 750–758
Zahnd, U.: Calvin, l’âme humaine et la philosophie classique. Influences philosophiques sur la Psychopannychia, premier écrit théologique de Calvin, (CRThPh 23), Genf 2009
Zetterholm, M.: Approaches to Paul. A Student’s Guide to Recent Scholarship, Minneapolis 2009