RRP | Bibliography


Den Hollander, August: « Biblical Geography: Maps in Sixteenth-Century Printed Bibles from the Low Countries  », Church History and Religious Culture 99 (2019), p. 137-150 (cf. https://doi.org/10.1163/18712428-09902005)
Biblical Geography, Bible Editions
Manjavacas, E.; Long, B.; Kestemont, M.: « On the Feasibility of Automated Detection of Allusive Text Reuse », https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02973 (2019), p.
Meier, Hans-Rudolf; Schwinn Schürmann, Dorothea; Benasconi, Marco; Hess, Stefan; Jäggi, Carola; Nagel, Anne; Pajor, Ferdinand: Das Basler Münster, (Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz: 10), Schaan, Gutenberg , 2019
Basel Reformation, Basler Münster