RRP | Bibliography


Allen, M.; Linebaugh, J.A. (eds.): Reformation Readings of Paul, Downers Grove 2015
* Amos, N. Scott: Bucer, Ephesians and Biblical Humanism. The Exegete as Theologian, Cham , Springer, 2015 (cf. https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.uzh.ch/book/10.1007/978-3-319-10238-2)
Martin Bucer, Biblical Humanism, Ephesians, Rhenish School of Exegesis
* Backus, Irena: « Protestantism », Knight, Sarah; Tilg, Stefan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (2015), p. 329-344
Rhetoric, Humanism, Bullinger
Barclay, J.M.G.: Paul and the Gift, Grand Rapids 2015
Modern Exegesis
Cameron, E.: « Calvin the Historian. Biblical Antiquity and Historical Exegesis in the Quest for a Meaningful Past », in K.E. Spierling (ed.): Calvin and the Book. The Evolution of the Printed Word in Reformed ProtestantismRefo500 Academic Studies Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, p. 77–94
Leppin, V.: Transformationen. Studien zu den Wandlungsprozessen in Theologie und Frömmigkeit zwischen Spätmittelalter und Reformation, (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation. Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation:86), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2015
Reformation as Transformation; Frömmigkeit
Nanos, M.D.; Zetterholm, M. (eds.): Paul within Judaism. Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle, Minneapolis 2015
* Taylor, Andrew: « Biblical Humanism », Knight, Sarah; Tilg, Stefan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (2015), p. 295-312
Biblical Humanism, Erasmus