RRP | Reformation Readings of Paul
Welcome to the project database «Commentaries on Paul of the Reformation Era», the digital portal of the SNSF project «16th Century Exegesis of Paul» (→ data.snf.ch/grants/grant/207696). A more detailed description of the research project can be found on the → project page.
The aim of this database is to record all commentaries on the Pauline letters (including Deuteropauline letters and Hebrews) that were published in the Latin-speaking world between 1500 and 1600. An initial focus is on commentaries written and/or printed in the area of present-day Switzerland.
The database is under construction. At the moment, it repertorizes 775 commentaries by 61 authors and 411 other works contained within 275 printings. These entries are accessible via the list of works (more sophisticated) or the list of printings (more rudimentary). An advanced search is also at your disposal. Diagrams to visualize the database's content are in progress.